Aaron Ballard | Partner | Fort Worth | flvs | | fort-worth |
Aaron Heimbuch | Senior Manager | Dallas | audit | employee-benefit-plans healthcare logistics manufacturing-distribution professional-services | dallas |
Adam Menzer | Partner | Dallas | tax | energy healthcare manufacturing-distribution real-estate | dallas |
Adam Rhodes | Partner | Dallas | audit | employee-benefit-plans healthcare manufacturing-distribution professional-services real-estate | dallas |
Addison Ebarb | Senior Manager | Fort Worth | audit public-sector | financial-institutions nonprofit public-sector | fort-worth |
Aditya Ganesh | Senior Manager | Midland | audit | professional-services | midland |
Ailene Comple Makalintal | Senior Manager | Houston | audit | nonprofit public-sector | houston |
Alan Rich | Partner | San Antonio | audit | construction financial-institutions nonprofit retail | san-antonio |
Amanda Beabout | Partner | Houston | audit | construction employee-benefit-plans energy healthcare manufacturing-distribution private-equity-investment-funds professional-services | houston |
Amy Allen | Partner | Fort Worth | tax | family-office-high-net-worth-individuals healthcare private-equity-investment-funds real-estate | fort-worth |
Amy Mann | Partner | Houston | caas | energy | houston |
Andrew Muirhead | Senior Manager | Plano | audit | construction manufacturing-distribution professional-services real-estate retail | plano |
Andy Hines | Partner | Fort Worth | audit | employee-benefit-plans energy healthcare manufacturing-distribution nonprofit | fort-worth |
Anna Hardy | Partner | Fort Worth | flvs | family-office-high-net-worth-individuals professional-services | fort-worth |
Anne Pfeifer | Controller | Houston | caas | energy | houston |
Ashley Kimery | Partner | San Antonio | caas | family-office-high-net-worth-individuals private-equity-investment-funds professional-services real-estate | san-antonio |
Audra Mead | Senior Manager | Plano | tax | energy family-office-high-net-worth-individuals financial-institutions professional-services real-estate | plano |
Austin Grigsby | Partner | Houston | audit | energy | houston |
Barbara Herbst | Partner | San Antonio | tax | family-office-high-net-worth-individuals | san-antonio |
Ben Pearson | Senior Manager | Houston | audit | construction energy manufacturing-distribution nonprofit private-equity-investment-funds | houston |
Beth Engelhardt | Partner | Fort Worth | tax | energy estate-gift family-office-high-net-worth-individuals real-estate | fort-worth |
Bill Weston | Partner | Fort Worth | wpwealth | employee-benefit-plans estate-gift wealth-management | fort-worth |
Bill Wilson | Director | Plano | tax | professional-services | plano |
Bob Herbst | Partner | San Antonio | tax | estate-gift family-office-high-net-worth-individuals nonprofit | san-antonio |
Boris Duric | Senior Manager | Plano | audit | construction manufacturing-distribution real-estate technology | plano |
Brandi Fletcher | Partner | Fort Worth | tax | family-office-high-net-worth-individuals healthcare manufacturing-distribution | fort-worth |
Brandi Howard | Partner | San Antonio | audit | financial-institutions | san-antonio |
Brandon Neely | Chief Risk Officer | Fort Worth | operations | | |
Brandon Newton | Partner | Dallas | tax | energy manufacturing-distribution private-equity-investment-funds technology | dallas |
Breanna Oakley | Partner | Midland | tax | agriculture family-office-high-net-worth-individuals | midland |
Brett Martin | Senior Manager | Dallas | audit | employee-benefit-plans energy manufacturing-distribution professional-services retail | dallas |
Brett Murphy | Partner | Austin | audit | employee-benefit-plans energy financial-institutions manufacturing-distribution retail technology | austin |
Brian Collins | Chief People Officer | Dallas | operations | | dallas |
Brian Mitchell | Partner | Fort Worth | tax | manufacturing-distribution real-estate technology | fort-worth |
Brian Starr | Partner | Houston | audit | construction employee-benefit-plans energy manufacturing-distribution professional-services real-estate technology | houston |
Brittany Flemming | Partner | Hobbs | caas | construction energy healthcare nonprofit | hobbs |
Buffie Campbell | Senior Manager | Dallas | caas | energy real-estate | dallas |
Caitlin Uremovich | Senior Manager | Fort Worth | audit | | fort-worth |
Caleb Robison | Partner | Dallas | audit | manufacturing-distribution retail | dallas |
Camron Harris | Partner | Dallas | audit | logistics manufacturing-distribution professional-services real-estate transportation | dallas |
Cari Takao | Partner | San Antonio | audit | construction employee-benefit-plans financial-institutions nonprofit | san-antonio |
Catherine Speer | Partner | Odessa | audit | construction energy manufacturing-distribution nonprofit | midland odessa |
Cathy Brennan | Senior Manager | Austin | tax | family-office-high-net-worth-individuals nonprofit | austin |
Celina Cereceres | Partner | Houston | audit consulting | nonprofit public-sector | houston |
Chase Tipton | Partner | Fort Worth | tax | energy family-office-high-net-worth-individuals logistics manufacturing-distribution transportation | fort-worth |
Chelsea Hastings | Senior Manager | Fort Worth | audit | energy manufacturing-distribution professional-services technology | fort-worth |
Chris Burnham | Senior Manager | Fort Worth | audit | construction employee-benefit-plans professional-services real-estate | fort-worth |
Chris Eissenstat | Senior Manager | Houston | audit | employee-benefit-plans energy financial-institutions manufacturing-distribution private-equity-investment-funds | houston |
Chris Nolan | Partner | Midland | tax | energy family-office-high-net-worth-individuals manufacturing-distribution professional-services real-estate | midland |
Christy Cates | Partner | Fort Worth | tax | energy family-office-high-net-worth-individuals nonprofit real-estate | fort-worth |
Clayton Lowry | Senior Manager | Fort Worth | ras | construction energy healthcare manufacturing-distribution professional-services real-estate technology | fort-worth |
Clint Crane | Partner | Plano | tax | construction manufacturing-distribution professional-services real-estate retail technology | plano |
Coby Nathanson | Senior Manager | Houston | caas | energy | houston |
Cole Elliott | Senior Manager | Dallas | tax | construction energy family-office-high-net-worth-individuals financial-institutions real-estate restaurant-hospitality | dallas |
Colleen Hebert | Senior Manager | Houston | audit | employee-benefit-plans manufacturing-distribution professional-services retail | houston |
Conner McMindes | Senior Manager | Dallas | tax | manufacturing-distribution professional-services real-estate technology | dallas |
Corinna Garcia | Senior Manager | San Antonio | tax | family-office-owned-businesses professional-services | san-antonio |
Curtis Maxfield | Partner | Plano | tax | nonprofit restaurant-hospitality | plano |
Cynthia Acree | Controller | Houston | caas | energy | houston |
Dan Hernandez | Senior Manager | Houston | audit | public-sector | houston |
Daniel Boarder | Partner | Plano | tas | professional-services | plano |
Daniel Brezik | Senior Manager | Fort Worth | audit | construction employee-benefit-plans manufacturing-distribution nonprofit | fort-worth |
Daniel Pitts | Senior Manager | Dallas | ras | energy financial-institutions healthcare manufacturing-distribution restaurant-hospitality technology | dallas |
Daniel Townsend | Partner | Houston | tax | energy family-office-high-net-worth-individuals healthcare | houston |
David Harrison | Senior Manager | Fort Worth | caas | professional-services | fort-worth |
David Welsh | Managing Director | Houston | caas | energy | houston |
Donovan Miller | Senior Manager | Dallas | tax | energy professional-services real-estate technology | dallas |
Duke Deen | Managing Director | Dallas | tas | energy healthcare manufacturing-distribution | dallas |
Edie Mayo | Partner | Houston | tax | estate-gift family-office-high-net-worth-individuals professional-services | houston |
Elizabeth Pettijohn | Partner | Dallas | tax | energy healthcare private-equity-investment-funds real-estate technology | dallas |
Elvira Camargo | Senior Manager | San Antonio | audit | financial-institutions nonprofit | san-antonio |
Emilia D’Mello | Partner | Fort Worth | flvs | family-office-high-net-worth-individuals professional-services | fort-worth |
Emily Beazley | Senior Manager | Dallas | tax | construction energy healthcare manufacturing-distribution professional-services real-estate | dallas |
Emily Landry | Partner | Fort Worth | consulting tax | nonprofit real-estate | fort-worth |
Eric Goff | Partner | Plano | tax | nonprofit | plano |
Evan Green | Partner | Odessa | audit | employee-benefit-plans energy manufacturing-distribution private-equity-investment-funds professional-services | midland odessa |
Frank Iannelli | Managing Director | Fort Worth | consulting | professional-services | fort-worth |
Frank Medrano | Senior Manager | Austin | caas | energy | austin |
Gary Batra | Managing Director | Houston | audit | energy financial-institutions real-estate | houston |
Gary Scarborough | Partner | Austin | tax | construction family-office-high-net-worth-individuals healthcare manufacturing-distribution professional-services real-estate | austin |
Glenn Hanner | Partner | Fort Worth | caas | construction veterinary-medicine | fort-worth |
Grant Juengling | Director | Plano | flvs | | plano |
Greg Crow | Senior Manager | Austin | caas | energy | austin |
Griff Babb | Partner | Fort Worth | audit | construction nonprofit real-estate transportation | fort-worth |
Haley Mitchell | Senior Manager | Fort Worth | audit | employee-benefit-plans energy manufacturing-distribution nonprofit | fort-worth |
Hudson Marx | Partner | Fort Worth | tax | family-office-high-net-worth-individuals | fort-worth |
Imran Khan | Controller | Houston | caas | energy | houston |
Irfan Dossani | Partner | Dallas | caas | financial-institutions healthcare professional-services real-estate technology | dallas |
J.D. Stotts | Chief Information Officer | Fort Worth | operations | | fort-worth |
Jackson Jones | Partner | Midland | audit | employee-benefit-plans energy manufacturing-distribution nonprofit | midland odessa |
Jake Baine | Senior Manager | Fort Worth | consulting | energy | |
Jake Morris | Partner | Houston | caas | construction energy financial-institutions | houston |
Jamie Ricketts | Senior Manager | Dallas | tax | estate-gift family-office-high-net-worth-individuals professional-services | dallas |
Jason Fitzgerald | Manager | Fort Worth | caas | energy | fort-worth |
Jeff Edwards | Partner | Houston | audit | employee-benefit-plans energy financial-institutions logistics manufacturing-distribution private-equity-investment-funds professional-services real-estate | houston |
Jeff Howard | Partner | Dallas | caas | energy | dallas |
Jeff Lawlis | Partner | Dallas | audit | construction energy manufacturing-distribution professional-services technology | dallas |
Jenni Barnett | Partner | Fort Worth | audit | healthcare manufacturing-distribution nonprofit | fort-worth |
Jennifer Grammer | Senior Manager | Fort Worth | tax | estate-gift family-office-high-net-worth-individuals real-estate | fort-worth |
Jennifer Johnson | Controller | Dallas | caas | energy | dallas |
Jeremy Howard | Controller | Houston | caas | energy | houston |
Jesus Vega | Managing Director | Dallas | ras | healthcare professional-services technology | dallas |
Jim Van Hoose | Principal | Dallas | tax | energy financial-institutions healthcare real-estate retail technology | dallas |
Joe Lavis | Partner | Dallas | tax | energy family-office-high-net-worth-individuals manufacturing-distribution private-equity-investment-funds professional-services real-estate retail | dallas |
Joel Cready | Senior Manager | Plano | tax | energy family-office-high-net-worth-individuals real-estate | plano |
John Pousson | Senior Manager | Austin | audit | construction energy financial-institutions manufacturing-distribution private-equity-investment-funds | austin |
John Vallance | Partner | Fort Worth | audit | energy manufacturing-distribution nonprofit real-estate | fort-worth |
John Van Zanten | Partner | Fort Worth | tax | energy professional-services real-estate | fort-worth |
John Williamson | Partner | Dallas | ras | construction healthcare technology | dallas |
John Yeager | Managing Director | Dallas | caas | family-office-high-net-worth-individuals healthcare professional-services real-estate | dallas |
Jon Ackerman | Senior Manager | Dallas | caas | professional-services | dallas |
Jon Karp | Partner | Dallas | tax | construction energy healthcare manufacturing-distribution nonprofit professional-services real-estate retail | dallas |
Jonathan Rittenhouse | Partner | Fort Worth | audit | construction employee-benefit-plans manufacturing-distribution nonprofit | fort-worth |
Josh Agren | Partner | Fort Worth | audit | healthcare | fort-worth |
Josh Graham | Senior Manager | Plano | tax | energy financial-institutions manufacturing-distribution real-estate retail | plano |
Josh Plunk | Partner | Fort Worth | tax | estate-gift family-office-high-net-worth-individuals | fort-worth |
Julie Quaranta | Partner | Houston | tax | estate-gift family-office-high-net-worth-individuals | houston |
Justin Blok | Partner | Houston | flvs | family-office-high-net-worth-individuals professional-services | houston |
Justin Dailey | Partner | Plano | audit | construction manufacturing-distribution nonprofit retail technology | plano |
Justin Lytle | Senior Manager | Fort Worth | tax | family-office-high-net-worth-individuals healthcare professional-services | fort-worth |
Justin Roberts | Partner | Dallas | audit | energy financial-institutions technology | dallas |
Justin Wetzler | Partner | Fort Worth | tax | energy family-office-high-net-worth-individuals nonprofit | fort-worth |
Kate Jackson | Partner | Midland | tax | construction energy family-office-high-net-worth-individuals manufacturing-distribution professional-services real-estate | midland |
Kate Ward | Senior Manager | Dallas | audit | employee-benefit-plans nonprofit real-estate | dallas |
Katherine Kirk | Partner | Odessa | tax | energy family-office-high-net-worth-individuals healthcare manufacturing-distribution professional-services | odessa |
Katie Johnston | Managing Director | Houston | valuation | energy | houston |
Katie Peck | Managing Director | Dallas | caas | family-office-high-net-worth-individuals private-equity-investment-funds real-estate | dallas |
Kelley Johnson | Senior Manager | Dallas | audit | energy manufacturing-distribution professional-services technology | dallas |
Kevin McGowan | Senior Manager | Dallas | tax | financial-institutions healthcare private-equity-investment-funds real-estate restaurant-hospitality | dallas |
Kevin Wood | Partner | Plano | audit | employee-benefit-plans financial-institutions manufacturing-distribution nonprofit real-estate | plano |
Klara Vaculcik | Senior Manager | Plano | tax | private-equity-investment-funds real-estate | plano |
Kristen Emrich | Senior Manager | Houston | audit | employee-benefit-plans energy manufacturing-distribution professional-services retail technology | houston |
Kristen Lollar | Chief Marketing Officer | Plano | operations | | plano |
Kristen Sayegh | Partner | Houston | tax | estate-gift professional-services | houston |
Kyle Willey | Partner | Plano | audit | employee-benefit-plans financial-institutions manufacturing-distribution retail | plano |
Lance Morman | Managing Director | Houston | flvs | construction energy manufacturing-distribution professional-services real-estate technology | houston |
Larry Autrey | Executive Chairman | Fort Worth | leadership | | fort-worth |
Laura Lynch | Senior Manager | Houston | audit | nonprofit public-sector | houston |
Leila Viesca | Senior Manager | Plano | tax | construction family-office-high-net-worth-individuals manufacturing-distribution professional-services | plano |
Libby Keifer | Partner | Dallas | tax | energy healthcare manufacturing-distribution professional-services real-estate retail | dallas |
Lisa Evers | Senior Manager | Plano | caas | construction energy healthcare manufacturing-distribution nonprofit professional-services retail technology | plano |
Logan Hornback | Senior Manager | Dallas | audit | energy logistics manufacturing-distribution private-equity-investment-funds technology | dallas |
Lupe Garcia | Partner | Houston | audit consulting | public-sector | houston |
Mark Duffy | Partner | Fort Worth | tax | energy manufacturing-distribution professional-services real-estate | fort-worth |
Matthew Reiter | Partner-in-Charge of Audit | Plano | audit | technology | plano |
Melinda Jones | Partner | Dallas | tax | family-office-high-net-worth-individuals financial-institutions professional-services real-estate | dallas |
Michael Jordan | Senior Manager | Plano | audit | employee-benefit-plans financial-institutions | plano |
Michael Pham | Senior Manager | Plano | tax | manufacturing-distribution private-equity-investment-funds real-estate restaurant-hospitality technology | plano |
Mike Herman | Chief Operating Officer | Fort Worth | operations | | fort-worth |
Natasha Klebba | Managing Director | Dallas | caas | professional-services technology | dallas |
Nathaniel Taylor | Senior Manager | Houston | audit | construction energy manufacturing-distribution nonprofit professional-services | houston |
Nathen McEown | Chief Executive Officer | Houston | leadership | energy | houston |
Nicholas Millar | Senior Manager | Austin | tax | energy manufacturing-distribution technology | austin |
Nick Davis | Senior Manager | Plano | audit | employee-benefit-plans healthcare manufacturing-distribution technology | plano |
Nick Pollard | Senior Manager | Dallas | caas | energy | dallas |
Patrick Dougherty | Principal | Plano | wpwealth | wealth-management | plano |
Patrick Simmons | Partner | Houston | audit consulting | nonprofit public-sector | houston |
Paul Ives | Senior Manager | Plano | tax | energy family-office-high-net-worth-individuals healthcare manufacturing-distribution real-estate | plano |
Peaches Wade | Managing Director | Austin | consulting flvs | family-office-high-net-worth-individuals | austin |
Phillip Brida | Managing Director | Dallas | consulting flvs | construction healthcare manufacturing-distribution professional-services technology | dallas |
Randy Gregg | Partner | Dallas | audit | manufacturing-distribution nonprofit professional-services real-estate restaurant-hospitality technology | dallas |
Reanne Perley | Senior Manager | Austin | caas | family-office-high-net-worth-individuals | austin |
Rebecca Sierp | Director | Fort Worth | wpwealth | estate-gift wealth-management | fort-worth |
Reyne Dvorak | Chief Revenue Officer | Fort Worth | operations | | fort-worth |
Ricky Rhine | Partner | Fort Worth | tax | family-office-high-net-worth-individuals healthcare manufacturing-distribution professional-services restaurant-hospitality | fort-worth |
Robert Allen | Partner | Fort Worth | valuation | | fort-worth |
Robert Metz | Partner | Austin | flvs | professional-services | austin |
Robyn Davis | Senior Manager | Plano | tax | family-office-high-net-worth-individuals manufacturing-distribution professional-services real-estate | plano |
Roger Tovar | Partner | Fort Worth | audit consulting | construction financial-institutions higher-education manufacturing-distribution nonprofit professional-services public-sector technology | fort-worth |
Russell Brown | Principal | Dallas | tax | financial-institutions manufacturing-distribution real-estate retail technology | dallas |
Sara Records | Senior Manager | Houston | tax | construction healthcare real-estate | houston |
Sarah Huckaby | Partner | Fort Worth | tax | family-office-high-net-worth-individuals manufacturing-distribution real-estate | fort-worth |
Sarah Perry | Senior Manager | Plano | caas | energy | plano |
Scott Mayfield | Partner | Fort Worth | tax | professional-services | fort-worth |
Shane Miller | Partner | Fort Worth | wpwealth | estate-gift veterinary-medicine wealth-management | fort-worth |
Shea Kracheck | Partner | Plano | tax | construction family-office-high-net-worth-individuals real-estate | plano |
Sheri Hanner | Senior Manager | Fort Worth | caas | manufacturing-distribution restaurant-hospitality retail veterinary-medicine | fort-worth |
Shivana Khoza | Controller | Houston | caas | energy | houston |
Stephen McKinnell | Partner | Dallas | audit | construction manufacturing-distribution private-equity-investment-funds real-estate technology | dallas |
Steven Chesser | Senior Manager | Austin | tax | professional-services real-estate technology | austin |
Steven Jeffcoat | Partner | Midland | tax | energy estate-gift family-office-high-net-worth-individuals manufacturing-distribution real-estate | midland |
Steven Moore | Partner | Plano | audit | healthcare professional-services restaurant-hospitality | plano |
Susan Himes | Chief Accounting Officer | Fort Worth | operations | | fort-worth |
Susan Powell | Partner | Dallas | audit | healthcare manufacturing-distribution professional-services technology | dallas |
Suzanne McCoskey | Managing Director | Dallas | caas | construction energy healthcare manufacturing-distribution technology | dallas |
Tabatha Coffey | Partner | Hobbs | tax | energy nonprofit real-estate | hobbs |
Terry Cosand | Partner | Dallas | audit | employee-benefit-plans | dallas |
Tim Sims | Managing Director | Dallas | caas | manufacturing-distribution professional-services restaurant-hospitality retail | dallas |
Tim Sublett | Senior Manager | Houston | tax | energy | houston |
Toby Cotton | Chief Operating Officer and Partner-in-Charge of Tax | Dallas | leadership tax | | dallas |
Tommy Byrd | Partner | Houston | tax | energy healthcare logistics manufacturing-distribution professional-services real-estate restaurant-hospitality technology | houston |
Tommy Lilley | Senior Manager | Fort Worth | tax | energy family-office-high-net-worth-individuals | fort-worth |
Toni Mayfield | Partner | Dallas | tax | energy family-office-high-net-worth-individuals manufacturing-distribution retail technology | dallas |
Travis Watson | Senior Manager | Houston | tax | construction energy family-office-high-net-worth-individuals manufacturing-distribution real-estate | houston |
Trina Dicketts | Partner | Fort Worth | tax | energy family-office-high-net-worth-individuals healthcare professional-services retail | fort-worth |
Varsha Ramgopal | Senior Manager | Plano | audit | financial-institutions technology | plano |
Walter Bratic | Managing Director | Houston | flvs | family-office-high-net-worth-individuals professional-services | houston |
Yanin Acosta | Senior Manager | Dallas | tax | construction energy real-estate | dallas |