Celina Cereceres

Public Sector Audit Partner

Celina Cereceres began her career in 2001 working primarily with governmental and not-for-profit entities. She now oversees the public sector practice for the firm in performing audits and other attestation engagements for school districts, universities and colleges, other large governments, and non-profit organizations.

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Celina Cereceres

Public Sector Audit Partner

Celina Cereceres began her career in 2001 working primarily with governmental and not-for-profit entities. She now oversees the public sector practice for the firm in performing audits and other attestation engagements for school districts, universities and colleges, other large governments, and non-profit organizations.

These entities receive federal and state funding between $750,000 and more than $250 million, making them subject to a Single Audit under the Uniform Guidance (2 CFR 200) and the Texas Grant Management Standards. Celina’s team has the knowledge and experience to provide the following services:

  • Financial Statement Audit
  • Federal and State Single Audits
  • Year-round technical consulting and internal control assessments.
  • E-rate Performance Audits
  • Co-sourced internal audit for non-attest clients
  • Efficiency Audits as required by House Bill 3
  • Construction Manager At-Risk agreed-upon procedures for projects ranging for construction projects ranging from $5 million to $150 million
  • Board training
  • Small group client training on GASB, internal control and/or Uniform Guidance matters
  • Trainings for industry groups ranging from 2 to 8 hours
  • For-Profit Attestation Engagements for the Shuttered Venue Operators Grant
  • Program-Specific Audits related to Federal Awards
  • Chapter 59 Forfeitures and Seizures
  • Fraud investigations

Professional Affiliations

Member, American Institute Certified Public Accountants (AICPA)

Member, Texas Society of Certified Public Accountants (TXCPA) – Houston Chapter

Planning Committee Member, TXCPA School District Accounting and Auditing Conference

Member, Texas Association of School Business Officials (TASBO) – Gulf Coast Chapter

Committee Member, TASBO Accounting and Research Committee

Committee Member, TASBO Accounting and Finance Committee Research Committee

Former Board Member, CASA of Galveston County

Committee Member, Bay Area Houston Economic Partnership (BAHEP) – Education and Workforce Development Committee

Member, Bay Area Communities in Schools


  • Certified Public Accountant (CPA)
  • Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE)
  • AICPA’s Advanced Single Audit Certificate
  • Houston Business Journal’s Women Who Mean Business Honoree – 2019


  • B.B.A in Accounting, University of Texas-El Paso
  • Master of Accountancy, University of Texas-El Paso

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