Solving Technology Challenges in Family Offices with Raymond Dinunzio

Join host, John Yeager, of Whitley Penn as he welcomes back Raymond Dinunzio from TOS to the family office series. In this episode, they explore real-life projects with various family offices to address and overcome their technology challenges.

Key Points of Conversation:

  • Common Technology Issues: Ray discusses why family offices often don’t achieve the desired results with technology and the common pitfalls they encounter.
  • Outsourcing vs. Headcount: Explore the debate between adopting outsourcing solutions versus increasing headcount, and why it’s crucial to view family offices differently rather than equating new technology with more staff.
  • Outcome-Driven Approaches: Learn about the importance of Whitley Penn and TOS’s outcome-driven strategies, focusing on creating faster, more efficient offices. Various case studies are shared to illustrate how these approaches lead to better investment decisions and cleaner data.

If you have not already, catchup on the previous episodes of the series here: Podcast – Whitleypenn

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John Yeager

Digital Services-ERP Managing Director

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